All that blogging yesterday and I didn't mention my boys once - shock, horror. That will never do, so without further ado may I present little Billyboy!

He's having a bit of trouble out on the mean streets and in the garden, some cat is picking on him and he ended up at the vets with an abcess under his chin. I think the expression says it all, he's ready to leap from the basket, invincible now he's had his shot of antibiotics. Let me at him!

I thought I'd try to capture a few spring shots in the garden but this is the only one he'd pose for

then he was off, too much to do to be posing.

Someone mention posing??! Is the camera on? Point it my way!

Merlin is always up for a pose, pass the shades please :)

The big old boy, Mickey, is notoriously difficult to photograph as he is mostly curled up like a big russian hat, snoring but managed to catch him showing his fangtastic side with a cat nip bag.

Is it safe to come out yet? Hutch is still shy and nervous but he's slowly getting more adventurous.

He's a super old boy, cheeky in a very quiet way and keeps me company watching the tv at night. Absolutely loves his cat milk and he very nearly runs for it, he just manages a quick waddle, he really is a complete pudding of a cat.

Archie was 4 last weekend and continues to be a delight and a total gent. I still can't believe someone abandoned him, he's a super cat.

Talking of abandoning things, the needlepoint cushion at the back of Billyboy was put in a rag bag for disposal! Ok, it has a small stain on the velvet back but really! Luckily my sister-in-law knows how I love recycling old fabrics and saved it for me.

I was going to applique the floral design to a denim skirt but then thought it would look good on the cat chair in the garden room.

I'm still collecting flower paintings for the garden room, getting quite a collection now, but still plenty of wall space to go :)

A quick shot out of the french doors from the garden room. A lot of tidying and prettying up needed in the garden but lots of plants coming up, bursting forth. I'm hoping to spend some time out there at the weekend when hopefully I'll have finished decorating the bathroom. Gosh I ache, some of the positions I've had to get into today to paint behind the bath you wouldn't believe, lol. Hope you've enjoyed this furry update, happy purrs till next time!!