Myself and a group of friends must have chosen the hottest day of the year so far to go for a ramble in the local countryside, we must have been mad but off we went, setting off from a local pool, notice the flotilla of birds heading our way looking for food, they were out of luck.

The skies were glorious and we set off across fields in the baking sun, water bottles at the ready.

The acorns are just forming and the teasels are still green.

These archetypal stripey caterpillars were making light work of this plant, munching away.

After a pit stop at a local cafe, sitting out the midday sun, we set out again with the sky hazing over, thunderstorms had been forecast for later but they didn't materialise.

I can't resist roses and these were hanging over the footpath from a garden.

Note to self - must take along wild flowers book next time and do some identifying as no idea what the pretty flower is below.

This church had roses all round the doorway, so pretty. I had no time to go into the graveyard but I'm hoping to visit on of the big seven cemeteries in London later on this week so I'll get my fix then :)

A lovely pretty cottage, how I'd love a house like this, maybe one day...

And back to the pool and a delicious picnic lunch. My legs are still aching but it was a great day!