Thursday 2 September 2010

Nature Goddess Art Doll Swap

This is the gorgeous doll I received from Toos, who lives in the Netherlands, in this swap, meet Miss Twiggy Autumn. She has a belt made out of twigs, a skirt of leaves and flowers on her hat and shoes. She is carrying a couple of crystals in her little basket. She is adorable and is now gracing my new hallway mirror, so she presides over my comings and goings. I just love her.

This is the doll I made and have sent off to Gabby. She is the Goddess of the Shoreline. She puts out all the pretty shells and rocks for you to find. She decorates the rockpools with seaweed and tiny creatures of you to marvel at. She ripples the sand for you to walk barefoot on. She spreads the perfume of the sea on the soft sea breeze to refresh you. She is the Goddess of all your seaside memories.


  1. Both are beautiful, and your descriptive words as well!

  2. I love your Goddess of the Shoreline - she is very beautiful - Gabby will love her I'm sure!

    Barbara :)


A big thank you for taking the time to pop by and comment, I really do appreciate it. Hope to see you at your bloggy home soon!