That is the question, I just seem to have been really busy of late and have neglected my creative side and my blog. More importantly I've neglected my blogger friends and haven't paid a call to your blogs from far too long. Please forgive me and I'll try to call soon I promise, I miss seeing all the lovely things you create, the words of wisdom you impart and the smiles you bring to my face just by being you.
Above are the wonderful ATCs that I received in the Dream Titles swap, see my last post for my entries. Warm thanks go to CT Hawes, Alison Brandist, Mima Lewis, Barbara Whitaker and Mel Dunkley.

Receiving my new batch of ATCs has prompted me to set about painting this printers tray that I picked up for the bargain price of £2, so that I can display them and others proudly in my dining room. Only two coats of paint on at the moment, think it should only take another couple for a good finish.
Peeping out in the top right-hand corner is a bag of loose artifical flowers I picked up from the charity shop yesterday for the princely sum of £2. I love real flowers but I also have a real soft spot for artifical ones and they can be an arm and a leg. So really pleased to have these that I can experiment on, dying, glittering, painting, sewing onto journals etc.

Then another £2 got me this massive scalloped lampshade. I almost squealed with delight when I turned round and saw this as I've been looking for one for 6 months or so. I want to strip off the fabric and bedeck it with jewels, beads, flowers and other dangly bits to create a chandalier/lampshade or chandyshade if you will. Had the idea in my head for a while, not sure how it will pan out but I'll keep you posted.

Snapped this photo of Bill the other day, I just love this little guy, can you tell? He had to go to the vets for his annual jab the other day and he didn't look sweet like this. He turned into a wild cat, determined to savage the vet, I'd never seen him like that. Snarly, bitey, hissy Bill is not a cat to tangle with, lol.
Off to try to journey around some of your blogs, cup of tea at the ready!! Have a great Sunday, what's left of it :)