Tuesday, 31 December 2013

As the sun goes down on 2013

As the sun goes down, quite literally, on 2013 I thought I would do a little blog post, 

now all the delicious food has all been eaten

and all the drink has been drunk, (love the vintage vibe of this label).  

 It's time to look forward to 2014 and what delights and opportunities it will bring for us all.

But first a word about this year.  2013 has 'been a funny old year' to paraphrase old Arkwright

I felt unsettled in January, started clearing things out, trips to take stuff to the charity shop when stuff normally comes the other direction, an attempt to get organised, so not like me who happily works in chaos, or creative juxtapositions as I like to call it.  Then I put my house on the market and resolved to move to the country, to a smaller house with a bigger garden.  No joy, no houses to go and look at much less to fall in love with.  So stay put and do some improvements.  Pass the smelling salts, the quotes came back so high that it just wasn't worth it.

Okay time for a list of what I'm looking for in a house and this took the form of a collage which is now blowing in the breeze (okay it's a bit more than a breeze but breeze sounds so much more romantic) in the garden for the universe to see.  So now I wait, and scour the internet and ring drippy estate agents and keep my fingers crossed for the right house, at the right price, to come onto the market for me and my furry friends.  Sorry no photos of the collage, they're on the old camera and I can't find the lead, total chaos as I said.

2013 was unsettling as well because I was 50 in November and that caused a fair amount of reflection etc.  All in all a difficult year to be creative in, boo hoo.  Well no more unsettled, a goal to focus on and some creating to be done in 2014.

So heres to the New Year being a year of creativity -

I've got a project to work on that is still inspiring me to work on already, 

a warm and cosy new home 

family, friends and a multitude of cats!

May 2014 bring you all you dream of!


  1. Yay to a year of creativity and beyond!So sorry you had all that trouble with the house but for what it's worth, your present home is truly lovely and your little tartan cat looks right at home there too. Hope you get less 'drippy' estate agents to deal with to bring your dream home a bit closer. Happy New Year, Shaz.xxx

  2. Hope 2014 is a great year for you ...good to see you're getting creative already (wish I was :-/ )
    Your house looks lovely and cosy to me. I especially like that fireplace....are you sure you want to move?


A big thank you for taking the time to pop by and comment, I really do appreciate it. Hope to see you at your bloggy home soon!