Sunday 17 October 2010

Christmas Pressie Making Commences....

Can you guess what it is yet?

No. not a scarf but a doorshop. I haven't got the right weight yarn so combining a couple of yarns. It's from a lovely new book by Debbie Bliss called The Knitting Year, which has some really lovely projects. Again I got it out of the library, thank goodness for libraries :)

Now if you feel in need of an Ahhh..... moment this damp autumnal morning, here's Bill, just showing you how he's growing up into a fine, handsome cat

Ahhhh.... Enjoy your Sundays, I'm off to work in the garden, tidying up for winter, then I must knit, knit and maybe some more knitting, why are weekends so short?!


  1. I don't know which is more gorgeous, the doorstop or Bill!!! Maybe Bill by a whisker!Enjoy your weekend! Lots of love, Amanda xxx

  2. The little female cat is here with us but wants to sleep in the woodshed. She is very wary of the other big cats,she loves being picked up and stroked so we hope slowly the others will calm down about her. The other one is a very scaredy cat and we can't get hold of him,only leave out food. There are two more about!!but not the same family.
    YOur Bill is beautiful.

  3. The doorstop is going to be lovely, Shaz - nice colours - I think I may order that book from my library when I go tomorrow (books late back again, but only by one day this time!).
    Bill looks a very cool cat indeed!My garden needs tidying up too but it was too cold here today!Maybe tomorrow...have a great week. x

  4. Bill is a Very Handsome Fellow!He has Beautiful Eyes As Well!
    Thank You for Stopping by and your Kind Comments!
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  5. a great knit project....what will it get filled with and does it need to be lined? I love Debbie Bliss patterns they're always photographed so nicely! Nice blog - glad I popped by. :o)


A big thank you for taking the time to pop by and comment, I really do appreciate it. Hope to see you at your bloggy home soon!